A Few Thoughts About 'Everything' and its Future

As I’ve mentioned before, when I first began this blog I intended to take an academic approach and post mainly essays and commentaries on works of literature and religion. Even after I started blogging seriously, the only result are a couple lackluster posts on Mishima Yukio, Confucius, and maybe one or two other things that even I can’t remember anymore. The best idea I’ve had for Everything Is Oll Korrect! was changing focus to sharing my impressions on individual works, essentially a reading or viewing journal.

I still desire to write those more in-depth, academic posts, though, and have often considered starting a second blog for more serious cultural subjects. Occasionally, one of those will show up here, like “The Moral Dimension of Judging Art,” but I try to limit the number of those I do for a couple reasons. For one, I like the “journal” format of  Everything. More importantly, though, I don’t believe I have much authority, or at least credibility, for in-depth analysis. Though I read more than most, I’ve still covered less than I’d like, and my reading has much more breadth than depth.

Now, the obvious solution would simply be to wait until I do live up to my own standards of erudition. However, that may never happen at this point; I’ve been crippled by a sub-par education, and time constraints make recovery difficult. At best, I can point towards those works I have found most valuable; see my “Shortcut to Literacy in the Western Literary Tradition,” for example. Alternatively, one workaround I’ve considered (and used in the About page for a while) could be to refer to the blog as a record of intellectual growth. That didn’t work out before, though, and currently it takes a good deal of effort to keep this one blog going; adding a second would be a dicey proposition.

I may, however, begin another solution soon. I’m currently building a static website for a web design programme I’m enrolled in, and for content I’m using some essays I wrote at university. Once I finish it, I’ll probably make it public, and add content as I write it. I do have a commentary for William Golding’s Lord of the Flies in progress, and have a few other ideas for similar projects that are too large in scope for this blog, but would fit well there.

So, there’s your programming note for the week. I do have a couple larger posts in the works, so please look forward to them.