meta stuff

Getting Started

Richard Carroll
Just want to say, starting off, that getting everything set up on a blog and website is kind of a pain. Just give me a day or two, though, and everything should be looking good.

Oh, Hey

Richard Carroll
So, I check my blog today for the first time in, well, a little while, and find that my theme is totally different. Hm… Not that it matters much, since I’m hoping to move this onto its own server soon. More on that later, though.

Wordpress Snow

Richard Carroll
As some of you may have noticed, Wordpress has this neat effect in wintertime of snow falling on blogs on their network. It’s neat and all, but… I have a white background, so they’re invisible on my blog. *sniff*

Into the Unlearned, Uncharted

Richard Carroll
As I’ve said elsewhere, lots of people have blogs. Most of them are inactive, doing little more than taking up space on the internet. Honestly, mine has been one of those for the last nine months or so. Up until now, this has been a blog in search of a topic. The main problem for me has been that there is little that I have to share that would be worth sharing.