Post 100

This is post number 100 for ‘Everything is Oll Korrect!’, and it’s also been about a year since I registered this domain. I have mixed feelings about the relevance of the landmark - though ‘OK!’ has been around a lot longer than most blogs (since Autumn 2007), it’s been mostly an on-again off-again affair since its beginning as a school project. Only this year have I taken this at all seriously, and only the the past half-year have I begun to find a voice, so to speak.

The biggest change is that for most of this blog’s history I tried to take an academic tone. Gradually, though, I shifted to something a little more personal - and, though I mostly write impressions and reviews of what I read and watch, I think of this blog as very much a personal project. I’ve found that writing about my impressions helps immensely in clarifying my thoughts, and I can better appreciate the media I consume.

I do hope, though, that my enthusiasm for writing and my subjects comes through, and I’m thankful for those who have stopped by and read my blog. I have some plans for this site that I should be able to execute over the next several weeks, including making some progress on the Zetsubou-Sensei fansite, continuing to post regularly on the “America First” blog, and a redesign and possibly renaming this blog. Please look forward to it.

Now, it’s getting late, and I’ve a lot of writing and reading to do!