
"For a Few Thousand Battered Books" - Ezra Pound and the First World War

Richard Carroll
This post is a revised version of an essay I wrote a few years ago; I’m posting it here in honour of Pound’s upcoming birthday. Please forgive its length - I’ll go back to my normal style shortly after this. For now, think of it as a preview of the literature-focused website I mentioned working on in last week’s post. -———- Though many poets write about social, political, and economic issues, few have made such matters as integral to their work as Ezra Pound.

A Shortcut to Literacy in the Western Literary Tradition: An Outline

Richard Carroll
For the last few years, I’ve occasionally passed time by thinking of the shortest way to become literate in the Western literary tradition. In other words, what is the smallest number of books one can read, and which books, to say one is familiar with the general outline of Western literature? I’ll begin by seting out some criteria. First, every era of Western civilisation should, of course, be represented, from the Classical world to modernity.