meta stuff

Wot's... uh, the Deal? (A Blogging Update)

Richard Carroll
Last week I said I’d continue with Ion’s discussion of poetry this week, but what I have isn’t ready for prime time, so to speak. So, it’s going on the back burner for now, possibly to appear next week, or some later date when it’s ready. Since my buffer of already finished articles has run out, that also means that I don’t have a post for this week (well, except this one).

Plato's Dialogues: Cratylus

Richard Carroll
Hey, remember this series? Honestly, I’m rather proud of having kept up this web log on a regular schedule despite starting graduate school and working a full-time job. Unfortunately, though doing fairly short posts isn’t too hard, a series that demands more attention like Plato’s dialogues is significantly more difficult. I read Cratylus about a month ago. I barely remember what it’s about at this point. I’m not 100% sure who Plato is.

A Change in Schedule

Richard Carroll
I consider myself an honest man, so by no means did I lie to you about publishing a post every week; it’s just that I wrote a cheque I couldn’t cash. I actually did have something last week that wasn’t posted, and that was because quality control stepped in - the post I had planned just wasn’t very good. As I said on twitter, my blogging policy is, “Do you want it done fast or do you want it done right?

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei (Comic)

Richard Carroll
I’m currently creating a fansite for Kumeta Koji’s comic, Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei. For now, it’ll be a fairly simple affair, with reviews and reference information about each volume. Since one can find most basic information about the series from Wikipedia and fanart on any of a number of fanart sites (e.g., Danbooru or Safebooru), I’ll focus on my own impressions of the series, and some more detailed information than what one finds on more general sites, like when different memes or characters are introduced, or how the different translators have dealt with the source material.