nico nico

Anime Autobiography - In the Modern Fashion

<– Previous: Anime Autobiography - Endless Delinquency and Despair In 2010, my university career ended with a whimper, and I entered the “real world.” Actually, I just continued at the job I already had and spent most of the next year or so wondering what to do for a career. It was a somewhat depressing time, in a way, but hey - I still had my Japanese cartoons. Now, at this point I’d seen enough that fewer and fewer shows offered really new experiences for me.

Nico Nico English Version

Richard Carroll
So, nico nico now has an English version of their website [Note from 2024: the site is now dead], and they’re doing a live broadcast from SakuraCon. Having comments appear directly on a video seems like it’d be really damn annoying, but honestly I’m finding it a lot more fun than YouTube. That may just be novelty value, but somehow it feels more like you’re interacting with other commenters than having comments appear just below the video as on other sites.