science fiction

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Richard Carroll
My introduction to Robert Heinlein came during a class I took back at college on the literature of science fiction, the same class where I first read Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle. The timing was perfect, since I was a Libertarian at the time and Heinlein is fairly well-known for his broadly Libertarian views, which feature prominently in his work. That ideological sympathy wasn’t enough to make me a fan of the novel selected for the class, Stranger in a Strange Land, though.

7 Billion Needles

Richard Carroll
Tadano Nobuaki’s 7 Billion Needles starts off right, with an extremely introverted girl walking by the sea and noticing what at first looks like a shooting star, but which then turns towards her and incinerates her. Awesome. She gets better, though, and also gets drafted into helping to hunt down an extraterrestrial menace which threatens all life on Earth. Clearly, Tadano’s story, based on Hal Clement’s Needle, jumps right into the action.