Thomas Randolph

Nineteenth Friend: Thomas Randolph, "Upon his Picture"

Thomas Randolph was born in 1605 and was another member of the Tribe of Ben. I normally like to write a little about our friends' “day jobs,” but unfortunately Randolph died young, at twenty-nine years old in 1635. Fortunately, he did see a good deal of success in his own lifetime primarily as a dramatist but also as a poet, as one would expect of a friend of Ben Jonson and his circle, and many expected him to eventually become poet laureate.

A Brief Introduction to Ben Jonson and the Cavalier Poets

Richard Carroll
Whenever I think of English poetry, the first style to come to mind is something like the Cavalier poets. For me, their work is the good stuff; no multi-page bouts of navel-gazing in free verse here. Nope, this is good old-fashioned metrical writing with regular rhyme schemes, and what does a good Cavalier write about? Put simply, the good life - the love of beautiful women, a comfortable home in the country, close friends, duty, and at times, the loss of those things.