A Change in Schedule

I consider myself an honest man, so by no means did I lie to you about publishing a post every week; it’s just that I wrote a cheque I couldn’t cash. I actually did have something last week that wasn’t posted, and that was because quality control stepped in - the post I had planned just wasn’t very good. As I said on twitter, my blogging policy is, “Do you want it done fast or do you want it done right?”

Anyway, it turns out that weekly updates on a book blog that you run alone isn’t really feasible if you’re going to read anything of any significant length, even if one occasionally strays off-topic. From here on out, I’ll just publish new posts as they’re ready, which theoretically should mean more time to polish each review and thus, posts will be fewer but better. I recommend subscribing to the blog’s RSS feed, though I also promote new posts on my twitter account.

There will be a new post tomorrow, on Shakespeare’s 3 Henry VI.

So, my apologies for the delays, but thanks for reading. If it makes you feel any better, here’s something beautiful to look at, a painting by James Tissot of a couple of weeaboos:
