
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin v. 4-5 (75 Books VII and VIII)

Richard Carroll
I never thought I’d come up with a title more unwieldy than Rex Quondum Rexque Futurus: Kingship in Fate/Zero, but thanks to Yasuhiko Yoshikazu, I’ve outright crushed the previous record-holder. I’ve also changed the naming scheme of this series to make it less monotonous-looking, since this is obviously going to take up the vast majority of posts I write this year. Anyway, my only previous experience with the Gundam franchise is the movie trilogy version of the original series and Char’s Counterattack.

ToraDora (GN) Vol. 3

Richard Carroll
Most of what I said here about the first two volumes of the ToraDora graphic novels applies to the recently released third volume, but there are some improvements. ToraDora still lays on the dialogue thick, but the talkiness feels less oppressive than previous volumes. Zekkyo’s varied panel layouts and ‘camera angles’ help. The art also changes occasionally, for example for a Fist of the North Star reference, though whether that was particular gag was entertaining or just awkward I can’t decide.

FLCL on Blu-Ray

Richard Carroll
I finally got hold of the long-awaited blu-ray edition of FLCL, which is second only to serial experiments lain among my favourite (and most-watched) anime. Just owning the whole series gives me sufficient cause to celebrate, since I only own vols. 1 and 3 of the previous release (plus the full series as a bootleg). I’ve read that the Japanese edition had serious problems with video quality, so North American publisher Funimation did their own remastering.